The digital world has made it much easier to buy and consume entertainment.

Whether it’s a movie, music track, or book, a shiny “buy now” button is usually just a few keystrokes away.

Millions of people have now replaced their physical media collections for digital ones, often stored in the cloud. While that can be rather convenient, it comes with restrictions that are unheard of offline.

This is best illustrated by an analogy I read a few years ago in a research paper by Aaron Perzanowski and Chris Jay Hoofnagle, titled: “What We Buy When We Buy Now.”

It goes something like this:

Imagine purchasing a book on Amazon, which is promptly delivered to your home. You put it on the bookshelf so you can crack it open on a rainy day. However, when you wake up the next morning there’s an empty spot on the shelf. The book disappeared.

In an email, Amazon customer service explains that it was recalled at the behest of a copyright holder. They quietly dispatched a drone, which entered your home at night to take the book away, and issued a refund.

This may sound utterly crazy, but in the digital world, it’s a reality. A few years ago, Amazon remotely wiped several books from customers’ Kindle e-readers because of a copyright complaint.

When these Amazon customers woke up the following day they found that the books they thought they owned, which ironically included George Orwell’s “1984,” were no longer theirs. Just like that.

This issue is much broader than just Amazon of course, there are restrictions on most of the online media you can “Buy Now.” This was brought to the forefront again this week when Anders G da Silva noticed that Apple had removed three movies from his iTunes library. Movies he bought.

Apple informed him that the movies were not accessible to “redownload” because they were no longer offered by the Canadian iTunes Store. Apparently, Apple’s license to distribute the titles has expired.

Hey Apple

In this case, it only applies to the copies that were stored in the cloud. Any movies already downloaded on a device should work fine. While not widely known, this is covered by Apple’s terms of service.

“Content may not be available for Redownload if that Content is no longer offered on our Services,” iTunes’ terms read.

Technically it makes sense. If Apple no longer has a license, they can’t distribute the files. But wouldn’t it make more sense to adapt these licensing agreements to the modern time? Why not allow indefinite redistribution to people who previously bought something legally?

Today’s reality is that ‘owning’ something in the digital world is something entirely different than owning something offline. A movie studio or book publisher can’t barge into your house and take a Blu-ray or book, but online it’s an option.

It is rare that downloaded media actually disappears from people’s devices, as happened in the aforementioned Amazon case, but there are other ‘digital’ restrictions too.

If you buy a Blu-ray disc of the latest “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie you are free to lend it to a friend, or even sell it on eBay after you’ve watched it. In the digital world that’s often not an option. You don’t really own what you buy.

This brings us back to the research paper I mentioned earlier, which was previously featured by the LA Times.

The researchers examined how the absence of the right to resell and lend affects people’s choice to buy. They found that, among those who are familiar with BitTorrent, roughly a third would prefer The Pirate Bay over Apple or Amazon if they are faced with these limitations.

These rights restrictions apparently breed pirates.

“Based on our survey data, consumers are more likely to opt out of lawful markets for copyrighted works and download illegally if there is no lawful way to obtain the rights to lend, resell, and use those copies on their device of choice,” the researchers concluded.

The paper in question is two years old by now, but still very relevant today. While we don’t expect that anything will change soon, people should at least be aware that you don’t always own what you buy.

It’s an illusion.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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Your IP address and location are being tracked

No rest for the wicked, Terrarium TV developer NitroXenon seems to still have access into the notification system of the new modded apk of Terrarium. While most of the users are still celebrating about the modded working version of the Terrarium TV since the official Terrarium TV has shutdown, a couple new notifications that appeared on most still installed apps spread fear over users. The first notification came out yesterday with the following message as many users reported. The notification has the message: “Terrarium TV – Uninstall immediately! Your IP address and location are being tracked!”.

Terrarium TV Your IP address and location are being tracked

To be followed with a second wave of notifications that now report that they cannot guarantee your privacy: “Terrarium TV – We can’t guarantee that… details won’t be shared upon request”.

We can't guarantee that... details won't be shared upon request

While other notifications may appear in the next hours / days, it is more than clear that the developer does not want you to keep using the app. While it is also true that -hypothetically- your info can be tracked and by the way it is being tracked on any apk, website you use since everything on internet nowadays is being tracked by more than one source, if you keep using the app make sure to use a trusted and secure VPN. This is not some sort of promotion for the specific app, the common sense is to always use a VPN when connected to the internet. Not only for this apk, not only for streaming but for any transaction and interaction you do online.

I personally use IPVanish the past 3 years and I feel more than confident to recommend it to any of the people that follow me. If you do not have already a VPN and you wish to follow my advice, use the following link that will give you also a nice discount on your purchase:


The developer NitroXenon seems also to have appeared on Reddit where he left the following comment suggesting that is only a friendly advice and afterwards also adding that if you still use it, use it with a VPN.

Terrarium TV uninstall NitroXenon

While I personally cannot force anyone to do anything at all since everyone is free to do whatever he wants to do, I would take his advice. And always remember to use a VPN. You can never be sure on what info you share online.

After complaining that Russian Internet giant Yandex had failed to keep pirated versions of their content out of its search results, several major broadcasters filed a lawsuit with the Moscow City Court.

Gazprom-Media outlets including TNT, TV-3, 2×2, and Super went straight for the jugular, petitioning the Court to have ISPs block Yandex’s video indexing platform. The Court granted the request and gave Yandex until August 30 to remove all of the offending content.

Initially, Yandex flat-out refused. The company said the law was being misinterpreted, claiming that current legislation states that pirate content must be removed from sites hosting it and that search engine links are not covered.

However, after announcing that it would appeal the decision of the Moscow City Court, Yandex suddenly changed its mind on removing the content. Fearing its entire platform would be blocked by ISPs, Yandex erred on the side of caution, deleting all content that may (or indeed may not) have infringed the media companies’ rights.

Early September the TV channels again filed lawsuits with the Moscow City Court, again over the appearance of links to their content appearing in search results.

“Four lawsuits were filed by Yandex. In all the lawsuits, the TV channels ask the Court to oblige the defendant to stop creating technical conditions that ensure the placement of works on the website,” press secretary of the court Ulyana Solopova told Interfax.

With a decision on the matter pending (and the underlying aim of Gazprom Media to reach a settlement agreement with Yandex), soon after the Moscow City Court responded to Yandex’s original appeal against a preliminary blocking injunction.

In a blow to Yandex, the Court upheld its original ruling, meaning that the decision to remove the content before an ISP ban was put in place was well-timed by the search company.

However, it now appears that the confusion over the requirements of the law will see the government step in to offer a solution. According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov, the country’s anti-piracy legislation needs to be “improved” following the Yandex/Gazprom Media dispute.

“Regarding the regulation of data in terms of copyright and intellectual property rights, of course, the improvement of legislation, including anti-piracy, is exactly necessary,” Akimov told Interfax.

“By the end of the year we will try to present the necessary amendments to the Duma, which will allow us to more clearly define the rights of the parties,” he said.

Akimov said that the amendments will be the product of negotiations between the Federal Antimonopoly Service, intellectual property bodies, and the Ministry of Economic Development and Business.

It is currently unclear which direction the talks will go and whether any changes will favor Yandex’s perception of the law or the Moscow City Court’s interpretation.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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Team LibreELEC has been rather quiet on development and priorities for a while. Silent does not mean inactive though, so here’s an update on what’s been happening and what’s coming soon:


Our work on Kodi’s next-generation Linux video rendering and DRMPRIME decoding pipeline continues to make solid progress and there has been some great multi-vendor and multi-project teamwork. Initial support for the DRMPRIME decoder is part of Kodi v18 (existing in parallel with older proprietary code-paths) and we now have functional “proof of concept” LibreELEC images for the following platforms:

  • Allwinner (A20, A33, H3, H5) on Linux 4.18+
  • AMD (radeon) using VAAPI on Linux 4.18+
  • Amlogic (GXBB/GXL) on Linux 4.18+
  • Intel (i915) using VAAPI on Linux 4.18+
  • NXP (iMX6) using etnaviv on Linux 4.18+
  • Qualcomm (DragonBoard 410c) using freedreno on Linux 4.18+
  • Raspberry Pi (VC4) on Linux 4.18+
  • Rockchip (3288, 3328, 3399) using rkmpp on Rockchip Linux 4.4

Kodi is one of the first major-name apps to adopt GBM/V4L2 as a framework covering multiple GPU/SoC types so this work is elevating our project profile within the Linux community. Progress is good, but also slow as we are constantly breaking new ground, and each new improvement to Kodi and FFmpeg needs to be tested over an increasing number of GPU/SoC hardware targets which have their own individual quirks. Each platform is at a different stage of evolution, but the overall trend is that we are starting to shift focus away from code creation to code stabilisation and fixing.

There are two objectives for the next-generation pipeline; maintenance and performance. Removing older and proprietary code-paths in Kodi simplifies code and makes it easier to maintain and introduce new features that work consistently over devices that share the common GBM/DRMPRIME code path. Moving to modern code frameworks like V4L2 that use zero-copy techniques allows better performance on all hardware, but this will be most beneficial to the increasing number of low-power ARM devices that need to more efficiently process ever-increasing amounts of video data.

LibreELEC 10.0 will remove support for Xorg/X11 windowing and Nvidia (due removal at Kodi) on x86_64 hardware and move the entire distro to a common DRM/GBM video framework. In the time between now and 10.0 the team will be working to achieve feature parity so nobody notices the switch 🙂


Forward progress on Rockchip stalled in recent months because we had to stop and adapt a large chunk of the work completed on the Rockchip Linux 4.4 kernel codebase so it could start the parallel and lengthy process of being upstreamed into the mainline kernel. This burned lots of time, but work to get the Rockchip 4.4 kernel into a reasonable state (not perfect, but usable) has now resumed. Recent commits have added initial support for HDR on RK3328/3399 devices so it’s no surprise that active-install stats have started to show an increase in the number of users running test images. RK3399 support still needs work and we also need to start thinking about the install/first-run experience. It is likely that Alpha releases for Rockchip hardware run for some time, with full release targeting LibreELEC 9.2.


Video driver development essential for LibreELEC to support newer Allwinner SoC’s is also starting to drop into place. Community developer Paul Cooper (codekipper) has started to nudge the sunxi i2s audio driver towards multi-channel audio support, and Paul Kocialkowski from the Bootlin team working on player support for their current kickstarter project joined our Slack team to contribute to our V4L2 ‘group therapy’ sessions and further the cause of the bootlin driver and Kodi support (see the Bootlin blog for demo videos).

To showcase their work on the DRM driver the bootlin team have shared an LE image. At the current time their codebase is a little behind our master branch and further behind current Kodi master branch. The majority of their code has been actively developed in collaboration with our developers working on other SoC platforms, but we need to adapt their concepts in a couple of areas so approaches remain unified over multiple SoC/GPU types. We are also waiting on mali GBM libraries to be released for the H6 chip, and we haven’t done any serious work on distro packaging. Most SoCs have hardware support challenges when bumping to mainline kernels (device trees, drivers, etc.) and we expect Allwinner hardware to be no exception. So we are still some way from making firm plans. Overall platform support needs to progress further before we can start thinking about distro packaging and initial target devices.

NXP (iMX6)

Support for the proprietary iMX6 code-path used in LibreELEC 7.x/8.x releases was dropped from Kodi v18 due to a long-term lack of maintainers and it being completely broken for 6+ months due to other code changes. Our long-term plan is to switch iMX6 releases to the new Kodi pipeline and open source ‘etnaviv’ video driver. At the current time distro packaging is mostly complete and Kodi boots and runs but video rendering for GC2000 (i.MX6q and similar) devices has some limitations that mean we cannot achieve full frame rate when rendering a 1080p video while GC3000 devices (i.MX6qp and similar) render at full speed. We will most likely wait until LE10 before we releasing images for iMX6 devices again.


Maxime Jourdan (now working for Baylibre) has made great progress on a V4L2 video decoding driver and his initial patch-set has been submitted to the kernel for review. We now have functional images for GXBB (S905) and GXL (S905X/D/W) devices running a mainline 4.18+ kernel that hardware decode the 1080p video formats we need to support. At the current time deinterlaced media is handled in software which is okay (it works) but further development will be needed to support the hardware deinterlace IP capabilities. HDMI audio is working with 2.0 output and collaboration among developers working across Amlogic, Allwinner and Rockchip (which all use the same DesignWare audio IP) is starting to fill gaps in multi-channel support. The main block to public test releases is now the DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) display driver which provides HDMI support and the foundation for DRMPRIME in Kodi. Neil Armstrong from the Baylibre team has historically worked on the DRM driver pro-bono in his spare time, but with a busy work schedule progress has been slow. LibreComputer who manufacture the popular “LePotato” board (aka, AML-S905X-CC) have agreed to fund further work under their support contract with Baylibre so Neil can schedule time and move the driver forwards. The short-term goal is HDMI 1.4 support (up to 4K/30) with a separate block of work for HDMI 2.0 following once more of the kernel framework for HDR and colourspace handling (ongoing work from Intel and AMD) is in-place. This is awesome and we’d like to publicly thank LibreComputer for their open-source commitment (Da hero’s of the hour!).

Switching Amlogic GXBB/GXL hardware to use DRMPRIME on a mainline kernel was our original stretch “Plan A” for LibreELEC 9.0 but the timescales do not align. We also considered “Plan B” with a simple delay to Amlogic releases while others moved forwards, but in the end the only sensible option was “Plan Z” and we’ve dusted off the 3.14 kernel codebase for one final round. Our goal for LibreELEC 9.0 is simply to improve on LibreELEC 8.2 by absorbing some of the less objectionable bits from community releases while expanding official support to the LePotato and Khadas VIM(1) devices. At the same time we’re not aiming for perfection, because it’s a dead and deeply flawed codebase. There is a lot more to discuss on our mainline kernel plans, but we’ll save that for a dedicated blog post after LibreELEC 9.0 has shipped.


The team are currently working through changes to move Raspberry Pi images to Linux 4.18  (the Generic image has already bumped). Our original plan was Linux 4.14 everywhere due to it’s LTS status and use with Raspbian which would benefit Pi support, but the latest generations of Intel and AMD hardware need something newer. It also became clear the Raspberry Pi Foundation and LibreELEC are mutually interdependent. We depend on Pi Foundation staff supporting and fixing issues in the latest kernels, and the Pi Foundation depends on LibreELEC needing (and proving) the latest kernels to justify supporting them. If we remained on Linux 4.14 we removed their justification and in the long-term both sides would become stuck on a ‘safe’ kernel. Generic and Raspberry Pi releases represent 85% of our active userbase so kernel choice is an important decision and it’s taken a few rounds of passionate debate to reach agreement. Helped by a clear “don’t worry folks, we have your backs!” commitment from the Pi Foundation staff, we finally reached consensus to keep moving our kernel baseline onwards and upwards.


LibreELEC 9.0 Alpha releases are now running and will continue for a while as our definition of Beta is “finished product with only minor bugs” so we need to have kernel bumps etc. complete before we can progress. In the past we’ve been in lock-step with the Kodi schedule and were able to go full-release within 24 hours of Kodi 17.0, but this time around the pre-Alpha stage of development has been chaotic and we’re behind on where we’d normally expect to be in our release plan. It’s likely that Kodi 18.0 will ship before we’re done with Beta testing, but the team are working hard to move things forwards.

Thanks for reading! 🙂

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Last month it was reported that a Netherlands-based repository, which contained several popular Kodi addons, had been shut down by anti-piracy group BREIN.

The Dutch developer and administrator of XvBMC-NL was visited by bailiffs in July and soon after the repository shut down. BREIN offered to settle the matter for 2,500 euros as long as the admin known as ‘Z’ signed an abstention agreement.

Months earlier, however, the XvBMC-NL repo was an unwitting participant in a campaign to infect Kodi users with cryptocurrency-mining malware, security firm ESET reports.

“According to our research, the malware we found in the XvBMC repository was first added to the popular third-party add-on repositories Bubbles and Gaia (a fork of Bubbles), in December 2017 and January 2018, respectively,” ESET writes.

“From these two sources, and through update routines of unsuspecting owners of other third-party add-on repositories and ready-made Kodi builds, the malware spread further across the Kodi ecosystem.”

ESET reports that the malware has a multi-stage architecture and uses techniques to hide the fact that the cryptominer came from a malicious addon. The miner, which is Monero-based, runs on Windows and Linux only, a relief to Android and macOS users who appear to be unaffected.

The three potential infection routes appear to be fairly cunning, ESET notes.

1. [Users] add the URL of a malicious repository to their Kodi installation so as to download some add-ons. The malicious add-on is then installed whenever they update their Kodi add-ons.

2. [Users] install a ready-made Kodi build that includes the URL of a malicious repository. The malicious add-on is then installed whenever they update their Kodi add-ons.

3. [Users] install a ready-made Kodi build that contains a malicious add-on but no link to a repository for updates. They are initially compromised, though receive no further updates to the malicious add-on. However, if the cryptominer is installed, it will persist and receive updates.

Further analysis by ESET shows that the top five countries affected by the threat are the United States, Israel, Greece, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

With the Bubbles repo now down, that is no longer a source for the malware. Gaia, ESET reports, is no longer serving the malicious code either. However, Kodi users who were infected could still have the malware on their machines and there’s a risk that other repos and Kodi builds could be distributing the code, “most likely” without their knowledge.

Timeline of the attack, as per ESET

A very detailed technical analysis of the attack has been published by ESET along with instructions on how users can discover if they’re affected.

“To check if your device has been compromised, scan it with a reliable anti-malware solution. ESET products detect and block these threats as Win64/CoinMiner.II and Win64/CoinMiner.MK on Windows and Linux/CoinMiner.BC, Linux/CoinMiner.BJ, Linux/CoinMiner.BK, and Linux/CoinMiner.CU on Linux,” the company reports.

“On Windows you can use the ESET Free Online Scanner, and on Linux the free trial of ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Linux Desktop, to check your computer for the presence of these threats and remove anything that is detected. Existing ESET customers are protected automatically.”

While the attack is undoubtedly serious, at the time of writing its reach appears to be limited. By examing the malware authors’ Monero wallet, ESET estimates that a minimum of 4,774 users are infected. Between them they have unwittingly generated around 5,700 euros or $6,700 for the attackers.

As ESET notes, Kodi malware is very rare. Aside from the case detailed above and the DDoS attack carried out briefly by an addon and reported here on TF, no other evidence of malware being distributed via Kodi addons has been reported.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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Earlier this week, officers from Hampshire County Council’s Trading Standards unit assisted by local police executed a warrant at an address in Bursledon, Hampshire.

A 41-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman were arrested as part of a pirate IPTV investigation. They were detained under suspicion of offenses under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and money laundering.

In a statement, Hampshire County councilor Roy Perry said that illegally offering content from companies such as Sky and BT Sport causes losses to legitimate business and perpetrators will continue to be pursued by the authorities.

The statement indicated that others involved in illegal IPTV were being targeted in both Scotland and Ireland. An announcement from Europol now provides additional detail.

Citing a complex year-long investigation coordinated by Europol and involving the Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Police Scotland, Trading Standards, the UK Intellectual Property Office, the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA) and Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT), the law enforcement agency confirmed four further arrests in Southern Ireland.

Two men, aged 42 and 45, and two women, aged 37 and 40, were detained following house searches in Crumlin, Dublin and Ashbourne, Co Dublin.

All were arrested and questioned under the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 and the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010.

Authorities said moves were underway to freeze six bank and two credit union accounts containing €84,000. Nine other third-party accounts are said to have been limited. Reports indicate that more than €700,000 was paid into the accounts during the past three years.

During the house searches, computer equipment and cash were also seized

“This is an organized criminal enterprise where consumers are funding criminality and depriving genuine industry of legitimate revenue,” said Detective Superintendent George Kyne, Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

“Consumers are providing their payment details to unknown individuals and leaving themselves open to being the victims of fraud and/or data theft. The security around these devices and illegal streaming platforms exposes customers and leaves their home systems vulnerable.”

With details of the operation in England and Southern Ireland filtering through, events in Scotland are yet to be clarified. Europol has only confirmed that “several actions took place” and as yet there are no reports of any arrests.

Europol added that the investigation received intelligence and assistance from major TV companies and the Motion Picture Association.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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Two years ago the European Commission announced its plans to modernize EU copyright law.

While the plans initially received little mainstream attention, in recent months there has been an outpouring of opinions, warnings, and advice from both supporters and opponents.

The issue that grabbed most headlines is the “upload filter” language specified in Article 13 of the proposal.

While the word “filter” has been removed following earlier critique, the Article would require service providers that are not properly licensed to remove infringing works. In addition, they have to ensure that these works are not reuploaded anywhere on their servers, which is generally achieved by filtering.

The Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliament (JURI) adopted the proposals in June, a major setback for opponents. However, a month later the European Parliament said no to the Copyright Directive mandate. This meant that the controversial copyright reform proposal would be opened for amendments and a new vote.

Over the past several weeks, more than 100 amendments were submitted, several of which proposed an alternative to the original Article 13. These changes were presented in a plenary session this afternoon, where Members of European Parliament (MEPs) submitted their votes.

In a plenary vote, 438 MEPs voted to support the Article 13 proposal put forward by the Rapporteur Axel Voss’ EPP group. 226 MEPs voted against and there were 39 abstentions.

This is a revised version of the original proposal, but one that would still pave the way for upload filters.

“The European Parliament endorses #uploadfilters for all but the smallest sites and apps. Anything you want to publish will need to first be approved by these filters, perfectly legal content like parodies & memes will be caught in the crosshairs,” Reda notes.

Article 13

“Today’s decision is a severe blow to the free and open internet. By endorsing new legal and technical limits on what we can post and share online, the European Parliament is putting corporate profits over freedom of speech and abandoning long-standing principles that made the internet what it is today,” Reda adds in a separate statement.

Many rightsholder groups are pleased with the outcome. They believe that this will bridge the so-called “value gap,” making it easier to negotiate licensing deals with user-generated platforms.

“In spite of a very aggressive campaign against the proposed Copyright Directive, the Members of the European Parliament voted in favour of authors and the recognition that they need to be remunerated by whoever exploits their works.” says Cécile Despringre, Executive Director of the Society of Audiovisual Authors.

The EU Parliament also voted on proposed amendments of Article 11, after which opponents were met with disappointment. The MEPs voted in favor of a proposal by the EPP group, which keeps much of the original link tax language intact.

So what’s next?

Today’s vote is an important next step but it’s not the end of the lawmaking process. The Copyright Directive and the agreed amendments will now enter the stage of trilogue negotiations with the EU Council and Commission.

The result of these private discussions will determine the final text the European Parliament will have to vote on early next year. In most cases, the result of the trilogue negotiations is confirmed, but when that’s not the case the entire process of changes, negotiations, and a vote, starts over.

If the Copyright Directive is eventually adopted, individual Member States will have to implement it into local law, which is another hurdle that has to be passed.

Header photo credit CC BY-SA 3.0

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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Illegal IPTV services can be found all over the world but if recent investigations are an accurate barometer, several countries in the European Union are hotter locations than most.

While Spain, Bulgaria and the Netherlands have all seen raids or arrests, it is the UK that keeps featuring regularly in IPTV investigations. This week is no exception.

Following an investigation and referral by the Federation Against Copyright Theft, two people were arrested yesterday in connection with the unauthorized streaming of TV broadcasts.

Officers from Hampshire County Council’s Trading Standards unit assisted by local police executed a warrant at an address in Bursledon, Hampshire.

Local media reports that a 41-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman were arrested under suspicion of offenses under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and money laundering.

“Providing copyright material such as that from Sky or BT Sport, brings a significant loss to legitimate businesses – this is illegal and I would urge residents to be careful when they are signing up to subscription services from third parties as it is also illegal to watch,” Hampshire County councilor Roy Perry said in a statement.

“It is possible to trace this type of online activity, and we will continue to investigate and pursue those involved in illegal streaming of copyright television as it threatens the livelihoods of those working legitimately in the industry and the wider UK economy.”

The arrests stem from a year-long multi-agency investigation, initiated by the Federation Against Copyright Theft, which identified pirate IPTV suppliers in the UK. adds that yesterday’s arrests are part of a wider investigation coordinated by Europol, which has already led to warrants in South Ireland and Scotland.

Investigations involving Trading Standards are relatively rare in the UK but not unheard of (1,2). Perhaps the most notable was the prosecution of modded Kodi box seller Brian ‘Tomo’ Thompson who was handed a suspended sentence in 2017.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

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While Kodi and its dazzling array of addons grabs most mainstream piracy headlines, much simpler options lie just below the surface.

Referred to generally as APKs (taken from the installation format used by Android devices), these applications provide direct access to huge amounts of movie and TV show content. Most can be downloaded and installed in seconds and are extremely simple to use.

Perhaps the most impressive in recent years has been Terrarium TV. Inspired by the simplicity of Popcorn Time, Terrarium TV eschewed the use of torrents as a supply protocol. Instead, the software pulled in content from file-hosting sites in a similar way to Kodi addons, but with an almost non-existent learning curve.

Created by a developer who identified as Hong Kong-based Peter Chan (aka NitroXenon), Terrarium TV enjoyed a meteoric rise to stardom over the past couple of years. With only Showbox and a handful of other applications getting anywhere close to its volume of active users, Terrarium TV became the go-to app for Android users looking for a Netflix-style fix.

Now, however, the ride is over.

In a notification pushed to Terrarium TV users last night, NitroXenon explained that his days of working on the app are over.

“It has always been a great pleasure to work on this project. However, it is time to say goodbye. I am going to shut down Terrarium TV, forever,” he wrote.

“I know this day will come eventually. I know it would be hard to let go. But it is really time for me to move on to other projects.”

Thanking users for their support over the years, NitroXenon singled out Reddit moderator ‘Nic’ for his her support. TorrentFreak reached out to Nic for comment but she preferred not to add anything further.

The big question, of course, is why NitroXenon decided to close Terrarium TV down but again, the decision didn’t really come as a surprise. From pushing regular updates to the app as it grew (the last was around May), in recent months its developer has been mostly absent, with users requesting information but very little coming back.

As is often the case when services shut down abruptly, speculation builds that maybe the developer has been subjected to legal pressure. While that’s a distinct possibility (the MPA and its associates have reached into the Asia-Pacific region before to threaten developers of similar apps) there are no clear signs that happened here.

Equally, the rumor that NitroXenon was paid off by the studios to shut down the application is almost certainly untrue. If (and it is an if) NitroXenon was targeted, it is definitely not the style of the MPA (or the Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment) to offer cash for favors. If anything, they’re the ones demanding the money.

As can be seen from the image of the notification below, NitroXenon indicates that Terrarium TV will work until the end of September. However, in most (if not all) cases the app appears to be dead already. Users cannot get beyond the ‘UPDATE’ button.

While some Terrarium TV users are sarcastically describing this September 11 as the “worst in history,” it’s likely that other applications will take up the slack. TeaTV, which looks very similar to Terrarium TV, is already gaining traction.

Finally, now would also be a good time to look out for imposters claiming to be Terrarium reincarnated.

During the past few months, there has been an effort by third-parties to contact publications (such as TF and others in the tech space) to convince them that their website is the real home of Terrarium TV. However, the app hasn’t had a website of its own for some time, so the claims are easily debunked.

The closure of Terrarium TV follows after a similar APK pulled the plug. Morpheus TV took this decision in August after its developer decided it had received too much mainstream attention. Unlike Terrarium, however, the idea is to relaunch quietly under a new name, to a select group of people.

“Distribution will be restricted to a small group of individuals and hidden from public eyes like it was supposed to be,” the Morpheus developer said.

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