2020 has been a tough year, where we’ve had to stay apart from the things we love. No longer have we been able to pack into stadiums and concert venues, head to watch TV shows or hang out with friends and loved ones. Instead, we have turned to technology to make us feel like we are together, that we are experiencing these things even when we are apart. It has been a year that has shown us just how important technology is and what it can do for us. Those that have previously been out and about and not really on their phones have turned into avid tech fans, eager to catch up on anything they are missing out on from the outside world. Here are five ways that technology has got us through 2020….
It enabled us to watch our favourite entertainment from home
Let’s face it, humans like to have plans and be out and about doing this. In a year when we haven’t been able to go to things such as football or concerts, it has been a challenge. Luckily, technology meant that we didn’t feel as far away from the action as we might have otherwise. Once football matches were allowed to happen again (albeit it without crowds) avid fans could tune in and watch the games from the comfort of their coach. Tuning in to the FA Cup Finals might have been a bit different, but it meant you didn’t miss out completely. Singers did live concerts on their social media accounts and many actors did Zoom chats to keep us all entertained in a way that was different from past years but still entertaining all the same! And it was all made possible due to technology.
We could catch up with friends and family
There are a whole host of websites and apps that really shone in 2020 for keeping us connected with our family and friends. From Zoom and Microsoft Teams to FaceTime and Messenger video, technology has allowed us to check in with loved ones when we otherwise wouldn’t have been able to. We could chat with groups and whole families while also keeping safe. It was an easy way to be able to host quizzes, play games, and keep everyone’s spirits up when otherwise it could have felt like a very lonely time. This is particularly true for anyone living alone as it could have been a very lonely place without the ability to see and speak to loved ones.
It meant work could happen from home
When travel and transport stopped and we were advised to work from home, it could have been a nightmare for many businesses. Luckily, companies were able to use and utilize technology to their advantage and keep their companies ticking along. Meetings could take place, work could be distributed, people could communicate and things could run as smoothly as possible under the circumstances. In a time that has been hard on business owners everywhere, it was very important that they could still run effectively, create sales, and adapt to the changing world around them. Many companies changed their plans and created new initiatives to suit the situation.
Online teaching
Education is an important passage of life and this year saw many schools, colleges, and universities have to shut during the most crucial period. There were many who had to sit exams, get qualifications that would let them into university the following year, or to get a degree before starting a job once they graduate. Online learning meant that people didn’t lose out and could continue to get an education without having to put themselves or their teachers and lecturers at risk. Teachers were able to set up group classes over video, to send over work via email (and mark it also) as well as set tasks and things to research. It also enabled the class members to still get a bit of the social aspect of education, catching up with fellow classmates and seeing other faces to those that they are in lockdown with at home. In a strange time, this was an important factor that helped many people out and wouldn’t have been possible without the assistance of technology.
Keeping us entertained with games and apps
In a time when the things we could all do was severely limited and we couldn’t leave for entertainment, dining out, or visiting others, it left many people wondering what there is to do. Luckily technology was on hand to help with entertaining. 2020 was the year of TikTok, where not only did everyone binge use it, but many hours were spent learning dances and songs, leading the way for a new generation of content creators. We have also been able to turn to many games such as on the Xbox, the computer, and the PlayStation. Never before have so many games of FIFA been played, Sim characters been created and Mario Kart matches taken place. With the use of technology items such as headsets, it has also created a great way for friends to stay in touch and catch up when they can’t see each other. Apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter also enabled us to keep in touch and see what was going on in the world. It enabled people to feel much closer and know what others were getting up to, as well as get ideas and inspiration for things to do at home.
Technology has been one of the most important things for us this year and will only continue to highlight our reliance on it as we head into the new year. There has been an emergence of new apps and things to see, do, and experience, and this will only grow. While it might have been a crazy year and one unlike any other, we got through it with the help of technology. What have you relied on to get you through? What has been your favorite bit of technology? Let us know in the comments below.
*Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels