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vpnIf you are looking for a VPN service, this is the best time of the year to get one! With IP Vanish you can get 50% discount for any purchase! That means you will pay:

  • $5.00 (from $10.00) for 1 month subscription,
  • $39.00 (from $77.99) for a year service and
  • $13.50 (from $26.99) for a 3 month service!

Visit the link IP Vanish Shopsecure and you automatically get a 50% discount on your purchase.


Using IP Vanish as a VPN service is very important for various reasons:

Most importantly, for your privacy

When using a VPN service, the VPN provider creates a sense of a tunnel between you and the internet. All your data pass through that tunnel and the internet or even your ISP cannot track you. They will not have access on your IP number, just the IP number of the VPN server you are connected to. IP Vanish provides very secure servers so they backtracing will stop there, on their servers and also they do not keep logs. No connections is being logged and therefor, even when asked they cannot provide anything! Forget having the anxiety of someone knocking one day your door and asking why did you download that mp3 or movie. Also, you can go back and use p2p programs, such as torrents with no risk of getting your internet connection blocked!why-ipvanish

Access Websites with no restrictions

Whether you are blocked by your internet provider, government or just your work place by using a VPN service you will not have anymore those kind of restrictions! Even if you live in a different country and you want to access a specific website with no redirects into a different country version, you will be able. Whether you live in Australia and want to access the US Hulu for example, or whichever different country you wish, by using a different VPN webserver from IP Vanish (from a list of total 60+ countries) now you do that. No more Geo-blocking!!

Security on Public WiFi

It may happen that you use your mobile on a public WiFi and you have to access let’s say your bank account, or simply enter your credit card info when purchasing something. Why risk it when you do not know what kind of information is logged on that WiFi and who else is connected on the spot? Use your portable IP Vanish app for your smartphone and let hackers try to get your info!

Portability and Flexibility

IP Vanish offers an easy to install & use application for any device Operating System: Windows, Android, MacOS, iOS, Linux, Windows Phone, Chromebook or even directly on your router!



It is inevitable that when you use a VPN service, you will always loose in internet speed. But what made me choose IP Vanish is the fact that they use a lot of different servers, in a vast section of countries so you can easily find the best for you. So even if the VPN blocks your internet speed, with IP Vanish the result is the lowest you can get. Obviously it will be slower, but thankfully just a little!

If you are interested on this offer visit the link https://www.ipvanish.com/shopsecure/?a_aid=567b0c15dd69e&a_bid=48f95966 where you can also read more about their services. I personally use it and feeling very confident to promote them as well!

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