Mucky Duck from the Muckys Repository released a fantastic add-on with HD Movies only! Also it’s a one click to play add-on, no hosts selecting or captcha, just the raw movie on very fast streams!
Also, there is a TV Shows category but it’s a little messed up and for the moment it’s not that nice as the rest of the movies. I’m counting that soon this will be fixed too.
You can add the following source for the muckys repository:

The Community Wizard and also the Community Repository is a must have for any KODI Build enthusiast! It is the place where you can find ton of Build Wizards like the BlackBox, XBMC Fully Loaded, SchismTV, SpinzTV, Diesel and a lot, lot more!
Also has a very useful maintenance wizard included which not only will fully wipe your older build but can also do a whole backup and restore! Very handy, I know many of you guys kept asking me for an easy way to do that!
The source to add into the file manager:
Also be sure to check out the devs Twitter @ Kodienthusiasts


Install instructions:

  1. Go to SYSTEM and select from the submenu FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter and click on DONE
  4. Click to enter a name, enter Community Repo and then OK
  5. Go to HOME once again and select SYSTEM
  7. Select the red icon Community Repo
  8. Select the folder labeled ..TheCommunityRepo
  9. Select the folder Repository
  10. Download the
  11. Once the repository has been enabled and refreshed, select INSTALL FROM REPOSITORY
  12. Select The Community Repository
  13. Select the folder Program Add-ons
  14. Select the .Community Wizard
  15. Once it’s installed, go to HOME
  16. Go into PROGRAMS
  17. Select The Community Wizard
  18. You are done!

Diesel Build has been updated into a Premium Build with always the great content for all the members of the family: Kids, Sports, Documentaries, Movies, TV Shows and Live TV!

Also the build has various skin settings which can change totally the look of your KODI setup!
You can get the new updated version from the MetalKettle Repo:

Get in touch with the creator TonyK @ Twitter:

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter and click DONE
  4. Enter the name MK and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled MK
  9. Select the second directory ADDONS
  10. Select the
  11. Once it is installed go to HOME
  13. Select Diesel Wizard
  14. Select Diesel Builds
  15. Select Diesel Premium
  16. Wait for the wizard to download and extract the build
  17. When finished click on OK and unplug the external device from power or click YES, FORCE CLOSE if on windows.
  18. Restart KODI and have fun with your new BUILD!

EDIT: 12/21/2015 New link updated into version 7, WORKING AGAIN!
NBANHLStreams is an awesome little add-on for watching live games on KODI / XBMC. The user interface is really simple, just a calendar with all the daily games and if you select the game 10 mins before they start, the live feed will begin!
The quality is also excellent which makes the game highly enjoyable!
The developer is Gerikss and you can find him over at the TVAddons Forum:

NBANHLStreams is an awesome little add-on for watching live games on KODI / XBMC. The user interface is really simple, just a calendar with all the daily games and if you select the game 10 mins before they start, the live feed will begin!
The quality is also excellent which makes the game highly enjoyable!
The developer is Gerikss and you can find him over at the TVAddons Forum:

Install instructions:

  1. Download the add-on from here and save it to your local drive
  2. When done, open KODI
  3. Select SYSTEM
  4. Select ADDONS
  6. Select the path of your local drive where you saved the file
  7. Select the
  8. Go into the VIDEO ADDONS and you will find the NBANHLStreams add-on installed!

EdiTz is a talented iOS themer and also KODI skin creator but this time has decided to create also a build, with the intention to be the perfect match for an awesome firestick experience.
In fact, the build is light weight and very complete. A family build without bloats, just selected addons for Movies, TV Shows, IPTV, Kids, Music and of course Sports and Live Sports.
You can install the build on other devices as well, either on a low end device or just use it as a base and then add as many addons you want.
Get The EdiTz Wizard from:

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter and click DONE
  4. Leave the name as is and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled firestick
  9. Select the
  10. Once it is installed go to HOME
  12. Select EdiTz Wizard
  13. Select the EdiTz Firestick Build
  14. Wait for the wizard to download and extract the build
  15. When finished click on OK and unplug the external device from power or click YES, FORCE CLOSE if on windows.
  16. Restart KODI and have fun with your new BUILD!

Mr Entertainment from The Entertainment Repo, has just released a TV Shows add-on which is awesome! Many shows to select from and extended list of different resolvers from which you can choose the one that’s faster or better for you!
You can get the updated -if you have the older version, you have to uninstall it- version of the Entertainment Repo ONLY from the Fusion / TV ADDONS repository:

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter and click DONE
  4. Enter the name Fusion and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled Fusion
  9. Select the xbmc-repos
  10. Select english
  11. Select
  12. Once it’s downloaded and refreshed the repository
  13. Select install from repository
  14. Select the Entertainment Repository
  15. Select Video addons
  16. Select
  17. Congratulations! You have installed StreamThis.TV addon on KODI.

Spinztv has been around for some time and is one of the most popular among the kodi community builds.
It’s a complete family build with many different options for movies, TV shows, sports and live sports, IPTV free & premium, kids section and music. In this latest version we have also the addition of Christmas movies!
The build in this review is the lite version and it’s free!
The source for ares wizard:

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter and click DONE
  4. Enter the name ARES and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled ARES
  9. Select the
  10. Once it is installed go to HOME
  12. Select ARES Wizard
  13. Select the Browse Builds
  14. Select The SpinzTV Lite from the drop down list
  15. Click on Install at the right part of the list
  16. Wait for the wizard to download and extract the build
  17. When finished click on OK and unplug the external device from power or click OK if on windows.
  18. Restart KODI and have fun with your new BUILD!

HMVS Build by Hackermil for KODI is an awesome XBMC/KODI build for the tech savvy user, with new UI based on the AEON MQ6 skin and a lot of new features.
Has a very balanced set of choices: Music, IPTV (with working stalker, TV Guide, Movies, Kids & Family and almost everything you may need.
You can get the HMVS wizard from the following source:
You can contact the dev on Twitter:

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter and click DONE
  4. Enter the name HMVS and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled HMVS
  9. Select the
  10. Once it is installed go to HOME
  12. Select HMVS Wizard
  13. Select the KODI version (Helix:14, Isengard:15) and the download will begin
  14. Wait for the wizard to download and extract the build
  15. When finished the wizard will auto force close KODI. If not just unplug your external device from power.
  16. Restart KODI and have fun with your new BUILD!

The BlackBox is a very complete family build which comes with a fullt working iptv stalker rip (clone), TV Shows, Live TV, Movies, Sports and Live sports, Music, Documentaries and an extended Kids section. They also included a Christmas category with a ton of Christmas movies!
The easiest way to install the Black Box Build is throught the ARES Wizard:

Brettus Builds Ultimate Edition is a complete family build based on the Aeon Nox Modded skin with a lot of categories which will satisfy all family members: Movies, TV Shows, Live Tv, Sports, Kids, Documentaries and Music are the main categories!
The easiest way to install the Brettus Builds Ultimate Edition is through the ARES Wizard:

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter and click DONE
  4. Enter the name ARES and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled ARES
  9. Select the
  10. Once it is installed go to HOME
  12. Select ARES Wizard
  13. Select the Browse Builds
  14. Select Brettus Builds Ultimate Edition from the drop down list
  15. Click on Install at the right part of the list
  16. Wait for the wizard to download and extract the build
  17. When finished click on OK and unplug the external device from power or click OK if on windows.
  18. Restart KODI and have fun with your new BUILD!