Aurora Store
Aurora Store

Aurora Store is like the Yalp Store and offers basically all the same features. The main difference is a much more elegant and functional interface. Although it’s a Yalp Store fork, it basically allows you to download any APK offer on Google Play without a google play account and in complete privacy.

Aurora Store has all the same information as Google Play. With this app, you can check app descriptions, screenshots, updates, other users’ comments, and download the APK directly to your device with just a tap. Not only that, but you can also search for older versions of apps on Aurora Store so long as you have the version code.

On top of all those features, Aurora Store also makes it easy to manage apps already installed on your device. From Aurora Store, you can check if there are any new updates available for your apps, block an app from updating, as well as choose if you’d rather automatically delete APKs once an app is installed, or keep them on your device.

In conclusion, Aurora Store is an amazing app. It makes it easy to download virtually any APK offered on Google Play, and at the same time, enables you to manage the apps already on your device. All this, from an elegant and very intuitive user interface.

Size: 6 MB
Version: v4.2.5