Excellent build created by AlEighty, based on the AEON NOX Silvo and just over 300Mb extracted on your local drive, delivers the best and most stable addons on Live TV, Sports & Live Football, Movies, TV Shows, Boxsets, Kids, Music and more! Awesome work, all around build for everyone!
You can get the build from The Community Repository: http://kodicommunity.com/comrepo/
Also for great Support and suggestions, follow AlEighty80 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Aleighty80
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One of the most beautiful and complete build USA Friendly, with the best addons for English/Spanish content! You can find as always the best and most stable addons for Movies, TV Shows, Sports, Live TV, Kids, Animation, Music, Streaming and more!
Create an account on the SchismTV forum: http://www.schism-tv.com
You can get the SchismTV Wizard from SchismTV Builds Repository: http://schism-tv.com/repo

Install instructions:

  1. Go to http://schism-tv.com/forum and create a free account. Be sure to use a valid email
  2. Confirm your email from your inbox, you will receive a link that you have to click on
  3. Now open KODI
  4. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  5. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  6. Enter http://schism-tv.com/repo/ and click DONE
  7. Enter the name Schism and click on OK
  8. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  9. Select ADDONS
  11. Select the red icon labeled Schism
  12. Select the repo and install it
  13. From the same screen, select INSTALL FROM REPOSITORY
  14. Select Schism TV Builds Repository
  15. Select Program Addons
  16. Select Schism TV Wizard Elite
  17. Go to Programs and open the Schism TV Wizard Elite
  18. Select INSTALL and enter your SchismTV Forum’s username and your email
  19. Select Moonshine USA build!

Congrats, you have now installed the Moonshine USA SchismTV Build on your system!
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Very easy the process to install your favorite Schism TV Builds on KODI / SPMC! All you need to do is create an account over at the http://schism-tv.com/forum and with the same username & email you will be able to use the SchisMTV Elite Wizard.
The link to SchismTV Website: http://schism-tv.com/
The URL of the repo: http://schism-tv.com/repo/

Install instructions:

  1. Go to http://schism-tv.com/forum and create a free account. Be sure to use a valid email
  2. Confirm your email from your inbox, you will receive a link that you have to click on
  3. Now open KODI
  4. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  5. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  6. Enter http://schism-tv.com/repo/ and click DONE
  7. Enter the name Schism and click on OK
  8. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  9. Select ADDONS
  11. Select the red icon labeled Schism
  12. Select the repo and install it
  13. From the same screen, select INSTALL FROM REPOSITORY
  14. Select Schism TV Builds Repository
  15. Select Program Addons
  16. Select Schism TV Wizard Elite
  17. Go to Programs and open the Schism TV Wizard Elite
  18. Select INSTALL and enter your SchismTV Forum’s username and your email
  19. Select your preferred build!

Congrats, you have now installed your preferred SchismTV Build on your system!
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A very nice, complete and fully working build for KODI / SPMC just 400Mb extracted on your local drive. Not only for the Tomb Raider fans, it comes with no bloat but only the best and most stable addons for Live Sports, Sports in general, Live TV, Movies, TV shows, Music, Kids, Animated, Documentaries, Comedy and a lot more!
You can get the build from The Community Repository / Wizard: http://kodicommunity.com/comrepo/
Also for great Support and suggestions, follow the Facebook Group of Tomb Raider Builds: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tombraiderbuild/
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SchismTV Elite WizardSchismTV Builds can no longer be found on the ARES Wizard. Due to other builders copying and pasting his builds, he decided to go private, that means in a new server, repository and own website where you can still download your preferred build: Alaska, Atlantis, Origins, Moonshine, Family TV, Serenity.

All you have to do is create an account, free account let’s be clear, by using your email and a username and then you can install the SchismTV Elite Wizard which will allow you to download whichever build you prefer!

He also created a very nice forum so he can provide support directly on each Build. The forum has also other sections like addons, skins for personal use and some other interesting sections like devices and so on.

The new wizard is using username & password but the account is free and the process very easy to signup! It’s just a matter of seconds. In the forum you can also find a video guide which can guide you through the process.

Dimitrology.com is preparing a video review of the new procedure as well. Stay tuned for more awesomeness!!!

The SchisM-TV URL is http://schism-tv.com

Based on AEON NOX skin and just 330Mb in size, this build comes fully loaded with the best addons in Sports, Movies, TV Shows, Kids, Music and Live TV / IPTV. Also, has an exclusive IPTV list with Playlist Loader!
You can get the build from the Eminence Wizard: http://eminencekodibuilds.com/
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Kodimaster released the updated Prodigy Build for KODI / SPMC with a small sized, easy to use and bloat-free characteristics. It has also integrated library with 1 Channel, SALTS and Specto for even easier usage.
It is a family build with the most stable and working addons, also kids-safe with no explicit addons.
Great sections of Movies, TV Shows, Kids, Music, Sports, Live TV for a relaxed and comfortable media experience!
You can get it through the Kodimaster Repository/Wizard: http://kodimaster.com/repo/
Also join Kodimaster on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kodimaster/
Sub to Kodimaster on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfM9Y0sFwEJWP8sKUHceFTg

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter http://kodimaster.com/repo/ and click DONE
  4. Enter the name repo and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled repo
  9. Select kodimaster.repository-X.X.zip
  10. Once the addon has been enabled, from the same screen
  15. Select install
  16. When finished, go to HOME
  17. Go to PROGRAMS
  18. Select KodiMaster Wizard
  19. Select Prodigy Jarvis
  20. When the wizard has finished extracting the files, force close KODI by unplugging your power cable if you are on an external device (Firestick, TV BOX, Apple TV). Wait some secs and plug it back.  If on Windows, select OK and YES CLOSE. Open KODI and…
  21. BOOM SHAKALAKA! you have successfully installed the Prodigy Build  on KODI!

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With the latest updated of the Apollo v7 he have a unique and very nice new feature: Two exclusive Plex servers already customized for all the users, with no need for registration or settings! A ton on 3D Movies in Full HD / HD quality, Movies & TV shows and one of the biggest music libraries with almost any song/band/artist you may know!
You can get the Apollo v7 from Ares Wizard:http://areswizard.srve.io/aw_zip
or the Apollo Wizard: http://apkb.netne.net/repo/
For support and suggestion, join the Apollo Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Apollo-Custom-Builds-Support-Page-902976889768944

Install instructions:

  1. Go to SYSTEM and select from the submenu FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter http://apkb.netne.net/repo/ and click DONE
  4. Select NONE and enter Apollo, click on DONE and then OK
  5. Go to HOME once again and select SYSTEM
  7. Select the red icon label Apollo
  8. Donwload the plugin.program.apollo2.zip
  9. Once the wizard has been downloaded go to HOME
  10. Select Programs
  11. Select Apollo Wizard 2.0
  12. Select Apollo 7
  13. When the wizard has finished extracting the files, force close KODI by unplugging your power cable. Wait some secs and plug it back. Open KODI and…
  14. BOOM SHAKALAKA! you have successfully installed the Apollo v7 build on KODI!

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The Oxygen H2O Build for KODI/SPMC is a brilliant, beautiful and super polished build with all the best addons! Created by Luvs2Spoog is loosely based on SkyMashiTV Build and after some modifications, the result is amazing!
Some minor functions included:
To change the layout (icons, list etc.) hold down the more/setup button on a remote or hit ‘M’ on the keyboard.
To get info about the tv show/movie you are viewing hit the ‘I’ key.
You can get the Oxygen H2O Wizard from the Community Repository: http://kodicommunity.com/comrepo/

For those having problems with the link, try the Dimitrology repo: https://www.dimitrology.com/repo

For great support and suggestion follow the dev on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OxyGen-H20-1734640866782905/

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter http://kodicommunity.com/comrepo/ and click DONE
  4. Enter the name KCR and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled KCR
  9. Select .TheCommunityRepo
  10. Select Repository
  11. Select repository.communityrepo-X.X.zip
  12. Once it is installed and refreshed select INSTALL FROM REPOSITORY
  13. Select The Community Repository
  14. Select Program Add-ons
  15. Select Oxygen H2O and on the next screen click on INSTALL
  16. Go to HOME and select PROGRAMS
  17. Select Oxygen H2O
  18. Select the Oxygen H2O Build
  19. When the wizard has finished extracting the files, force close KODI and have fun with your new BUILD!

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Schism never stop surprising us, he created yet another fantastic build, this time is inspired from Apple TV and the results are absolutely stunning!!!
To the easiness of navigation and the detailed level of customization to look alike AppleTV is also added the implementation of the Extended Info script by OpenEleQ (or Q).
Comes with all the best and stable addons for every category: Movies, TV Shows, Sports, Live TV, Kids, Music, whatever you want is here, NaviX too!
Download the build from ARES Wizard: http://areswizard.srve.io/aw_zip/
For Support and Suggestions, join the Facebook Group by Schism: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1685056211707360/

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter http://areswizard.srve.io/aw_zip/ and click DONE
  4. Enter the name ARES and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled ARES
  9. Select the script.areswizard0.0.XX.zip
  10. Once it is installed go to HOME
  12. Select ARES Wizard
  13. Select the Browse Builds
  14. Select Schism TV from the drop down list (green section)
  15. Select Serenity
  16. Click on Install at the right part of the list (Do a FRESH START if you have anything installed inside KODI)
  17. Wait for the wizard to download and extract the build
  18. When finished click select if you want to do a backup or not and then
  19. Unplug the external device from power OR click OK if on Windows
  20. Restart KODI and have fun with your new BUILD!

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