How to Easily Debloat System Apps on Your Google TV / Android TV | ADB TV app Is your Google TV or Android TV cluttered with unwanted system apps? In this video, I’ll show you how to use ADB TV, a powerful app that helps you easily debloat your device, freeing up valuable space and […]

Ubuntu Team-Kodi PPA Officially Retired

The Team Kodi PPA has long been a staple for Ubuntu (and similar) users wishing to use more recent, and less adulterated, versions of Kodi. It is with sadness that the team has…

DevCon 2024 – Budapest – Part III

Time flies, and we're already at the third and final day of DevCon 2024. We'll be losing people today as they head home, which will shorten events; additionally, most of the day…

DevCon 2024 – Budapest – Part II

Good morning, dear reader (okay, "readers" - I'll be generous, and assume there's more than one of you!). It's a beautiful day, the skies are an endless sea of blue, the forecast…

DevCon 2024 – Budapest – Part I

The lights are dimmed, the projector is running, the microphones are tested, the coffee is on... yes, it's time for Kodi's DevCon once again! We're coming to you from beautiful…

Kodi 21.0 "Omega" RC1

Can you feel the excitement building in the air? Well, you should, as we are ready for our first Release Candidate for Kodi 21.0 "Omega"! This is a major release, so, as you'd…

Kodi 20.5 "Nexus" – Release

Nexus just won't end, it seems: we're back already, this time what we hope will be the final release for the Nexus line. Welcome to 20.5! An assortment of bug fixes, some backports,…