Tag Archive for: XO1000Sports KODI

A very reliable and stable Sports Addon with some of the best Sports Live TV IPTV Channels available! Very easy to use and also fast! The streams are almost instant!
You can get the add-on from the following URL: http://dazbtut.com/kodi/
Follow the dev XO1000 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/xo10002016

Install instructions:

  1. Select from the submenu under SYSTEM, FILE MANAGER
  2. Double click on ADD SOURCE
  3. Enter http://dazbtut.com/kodi/ and click DONE
  4. Enter the name DazB and click on OK
  5. Go to HOME and select SYSTEM
  6. Select ADDONS
  8. Select the red icon labeled DazB
  9. Select repo more coming soon
  10. Select Repository
  11. Select plugin.video.xo1000sports.zip

Congrats, you have installed successfully XO1000 Sports on your system!
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